These worship themes are intended to be an aid for song leaders. Each theme is a two-page template for the introduction to worship section of a service, each based on a key tenet of Scripture. These documents can be used freely.
The worship themes include Scripture reading, singing, and times of meditation. They are intended to be flexible and able to be used in different ways, depending on your congregation’s traditional order of service. The song leader should shape them to the needs of each individual congregation.
This page will be updated regularly (once or twice a month) with new themes.
Advent [download]
- Scripture reading: Gen 3:15, Isa 7:14, 11:1-3, 61:1-3
- Songs: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence; O Come, O Come, Emmanuel; Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying; Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
- Includes a meditation
Christ Has Died, Christ Is Risen [download]
- Responsive reading with chorus
- Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 15
The Faithfulness of God [download]
- Scripture reading: Ps 91
- Songs: Great Is Thy Faithfulness; When All Thy Mercies; God of Our Strength; God of Our Fathers; I Will Extol Thee
- Includes a meditation and questions to consider
The Holy Spirit [download]
- Scripture reading: John 14:15-31
- Songs: Thy Presence, Gracious God; Spirit of Holiness; Come, Gracious Spirit; Eternal Father, When to Thee; O Spread the Tidings Round; Breathe on Me, Breath of God
- Includes a meditation
Jesus Is King [download]
- Scripture reading: Matt 2:1-6, John 12:13-15, Mark 15:31-32, Matt 28:16-20
- Songs: O Worship the King; To Us a Child of Hope Is Born; The King of Love My Shepherd Is; Wake the Song of Jubilee
- Includes a meditation and questions to consider
Jesus Christ, Ruler of All [download]
- Scripture reading: Psalm 45:6, Revelation 11:15-17, Psalm 47, Zechariah 9:9-10
- Songs: Crown Him With Many Crowns; Joy to the World; Jesus Shall Reign; Onward March; King of My Life; Wake the Song of Jubilee; Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voices
- Includes a meditation and questions to consider
Magnify the Lord [download]
- Scripture reading: Psalm 34:1-8 (responsive reading)
- Songs: Jesus, Thou Mighty Lord; Bless, O My Soul, the Living God; I Will Extol Thee, O My God; I Sing the Mighty Power of God
- Includes a meditation and questions to consider
Future topics
Here are some topics that may be covered in future:
- Confession – Repentance – Forgiveness
- God’s Care for his people
- Adoration of Jesus
- Adoration of God
- God’s Mercy
If you have created a worship theme for use on this page, you can submit it via this form.