“Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!”
This triumphant proclamation is at the core of the Christian faith, and summarizes our belief and our hope both in this life and in the life to come. Our hope in commissioning this song for the 2019 Weekend of Music was to encourage the church in the bold proclamation of Jesus as our risen Lord. Lyle Stutzman has set this proclamation to music and made it free for congregational use.
Reading scripture as a congregation is a powerful way of declaring the great truths of the faith. Since this is a short song, we paired it with a responsive Scripture reading from 1 Corinthians 15. This music and reading set is free for your congregation to use! You can view it below, then click the button to download. Keep scrolling to see a video of this reading and song being done by the congregation and choir at the Weekend of Music program in 2019.